The Best Times To Apply For A Job

Job hunting is a tedious process that drains you emotionally and financially. That's why it's important to be strategic about your search for a new job.  While applying for jobs is generally a good thing to do throughout the year, some months are just better than others. To make your job search easier, we've scoured the internet to find out which months are considered to be the best months to put in your job application and which months aren't

The Infamous December
It is often said that while everyone else is enjoying the festivities that come with this month, others are strategically applying to job posts to get that "added advantage" above everyone else. However, bare in mind that the people who work in the HR department are human. They might have vacation plans and work tends to quiet down during the festive season (depending which industry you work in). Despite this, some companies might have incentives in place for hiring managers to fill positions before the end of December. so, Putting in those applications may just be the smart thing to do especially since there are a lot less active job seekers applying for jobs over the festive season.

If you're dead-set on enjoying the festivities, you can use this period to brush up your CV in preparation for the new year.

January and February ... the golden months 
Everyone's coming back from their leave, tired and still trying to find their rhythm. New hiring budgets and targets have been set, these months are the golden months to start applying for a new job. Make sure to pinch your budget in December so you'll have money to attend interviews in January.

March April and May
Positions need to be filled during the year and new ones may open up. Bear in mind, though, that the competition is at it's toughest! You need to ensure that you'll stand out against all the other applicants. The job market is fierce and an updated CV that accurately represents who you are and what you're capable of is what's needed. There's a drop in June to July (but still apply).

September and October
Towards graduation season, companies open up grad positions and even though you may not have graduated yet, you'll be doing yourself a great disservice if you only apply when you do. Life favours the prepared, so start sending those applications months before you actually graduate.

November - reflection and preparation 
You can still use this period to apply for jobs however, if you've been searching for the entire year with no luck, you would do well to review your CV. Is it up to date? Are you applying for the right jobs? Would you hire yourself if you were a recruiter? Your search for a new job can only be effective if you if there's 100% of effort being put in your presentation of yourself through your CV, searching and applying for jobs.

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